Friday, March 30, 2012

Replacing NULLS

Table1 Definition
[timestamp], datetime
[System201], int
[System500], int
[System345], int
... (the number of [System###] fields will be different for each facility I deploy this in)

Current Table1 Data
[timestamp] [System201] [System500] [System345] ...
1/1/03 1 2 4
1/2/02 3 NULL NULL
1/3/03 NULL 5 8

I would like to replace the NULL's with the value from the previous record. Is there a quick and dirty way to do this?

Future Table1 Data
[timestamp] [System201] [System500] [System345] ...
1/1/03 1 2 4
1/2/02 3 2 4
1/3/03 3 5 8

JeffreyI see a cursor in your future (ducks and hides)...

Seriously, the only way the I know of to transpose one row of data onto another in the type of scenario you describe is to do it with a cursor:

-- Declare Local variables (one for each column, plus an
-- additional variable for each column to store the previous value)
@.TimeStamp datetime,
@.System201 int,
@.System500 int,
@.System345 int,
@.System201_Old int,
@.System500_Old int,
@.System345_Old int,
@.Counter int

-- Declare the cursor
DECLARE rolling_cursor CURSOR

-- Open the cursor
OPEN rolling_cursor

-- Set an initial counter
Set @.Counter = 1

-- Fetch the first row of values into the local variables
FETCH NEXT FROM rolling_cursor INTO

-- WHILE your way through the table, updating the next row
-- with the previous rows data when the next row's columns
-- are null (see COALESCE)
WHILE fetch_status <> -1
IF (@.@.fetch_status <> -2)
IF @.Counter = 1
@.System201_Old = @.System_201
@.System500_Old = @.System_500
@.System345_Old = @.System_345
@.System201 = COALESCE(@.System201, @.System201_Old),
@.System201 = COALESCE(@.System201, @.System201_Old),
@.System201 = COALESCE(@.System201, @.System201_Old),
WHERE TimeStamp = @.TimeStamp

@.System201_Old = @.System_201
@.System500_Old = @.System_500
@.System345_Old = @.System_345
@.Counter = @.Counter + 1

FETCH NEXT FROM rolling_cursor INTO

-- Close and deallocate the cursor
CLOSE rolling_cursor
DEALLOCATE rolling_cursor

-- Print a message to the user to show how many records were updated
Print @.Counter + ' records updated.'

1. Not tested
2. Not guaranteed
3. Mileage may vary
4. Please don't sue me
5. Don't sic the DBA gods on me for suggesting a cursor
6. I am assuming that the PK on this table is TimeStamp (and that Timestamp is sequential). This solution does not work otherwise.

Best of luck,

Hugh Scott
Originally posted by JeffreyELewis
Table1 Definition
[timestamp], datetime
[System201], int
[System500], int
[System345], int
... (the number of [System###] fields will be different for each facility I deploy this in)

Current Table1 Data
[timestamp] [System201] [System500] [System345] ...
1/1/03 1 2 4
1/2/02 3 NULL NULL
1/3/03 NULL 5 8

I would like to replace the NULL's with the value from the previous record. Is there a quick and dirty way to do this?

Future Table1 Data
[timestamp] [System201] [System500] [System345] ...
1/1/03 1 2 4
1/2/02 3 2 4
1/3/03 3 5 8

Jeffrey|||Jeez, i spend all that time formatting the script with spaces and everything (to show nesting) and it comes out looking out looking like that!?!?!

First, I humbly apologize if it is difficult to read through. Second, it anyone knows how to make spaces or tabs work on this forum, I would be grateful.


Hugh Scott|||keeping my comments on cursors to myself...

edit your post and put a code at the beggining and a /code at the end like using bold, that should do it.

Also I think your logic may be flawed, your cursor sorts by time stamp and the examples don't reflect that.|||I appreciate your amendments. You're right on the comment about timestamps -- I missed that in the original statement of requirements.

Oh well, back to the drawing board!!!


Hugh Scott

Originally posted by Paul Young
keeping my comments on cursors to myself...

edit your post and put a code at the beggining and a /code at the end like using bold, that should do it.

Also I think your logic may be flawed, your cursor sorts by time stamp and the examples don't reflect that.|||1/1/03 1/2/02 1/3/03

Q1 What PK is on Table1?
Q2 How do you know the record is previous?|||I assumed that the PK was Timestamp. I inferred that the poster made an error and meant to put /03 instead of /02. I know what happens when you assume...

Kindest regards,

Hugh Scott

Originally posted by ispaleny
1/1/03 1/2/02 1/3/03

Q1 What PK is on Table1?
Q2 How do you know the record is previous?|||Your right. That was a typo. The year should have been 03 instead of 02 and the PK is the [timestamp] field.|||it looks like hmscott provided the answer. Post back and let us know if it worked.|||Now, when your information is clear, I can post my solution.

Script drops Table1, uses transaction to support 2 solutions in one script

drop table Table1
create table Table1(
[timestamp] datetime primary key clustered
,[System201] int null
,[System500] int null
,[System345] int null
set dateformat MDY
insert Table1( [timestamp],[System201],[System500],[System345] ) values ('1/1/03', 1, 2, 4)
insert Table1( [timestamp],[System201],[System500],[System345] ) values ('1/2/03', 3,NULL,NULL)
insert Table1( [timestamp],[System201],[System500],[System345] ) values ('1/3/03',NULL, 5, 8)

begin tran
select * from Table1

Recomended use of clustered PK on [timestamp] and separate index on each (System...) column for large table
update t1 set
select t2.[System201]
from Table1 t2
select [timestamp]=max(t3.[timestamp])
from Table1 t3
where (t1.[timestamp]>=t3.[timestamp]) and (t3.[System201] is not null)
) x on t2.[timestamp]=x.[timestamp]
from Table1 t1
where t1.[System201] is null
update t1 set
select t2.[System500]
from Table1 t2
select [timestamp]=max(t3.[timestamp])
from Table1 t3
where (t1.[timestamp]>=t3.[timestamp]) and (t3.[System500] is not null)
) x on t2.[timestamp]=x.[timestamp]
from Table1 t1
where t1.[System500] is null
update t1 set
select t2.[System345]
from Table1 t2
select [timestamp]=max(t3.[timestamp])
from Table1 t3
where (t1.[timestamp]>=t3.[timestamp]) and (t3.[System345] is not null)
) x on t2.[timestamp]=x.[timestamp]
from Table1 t1
where t1.[System345] is null

select * from Table1
rollback tran
begin tran
select * from Table1

declare @.timestamp datetime
declare @.System201 int
declare @.System500 int
declare @.System345 int
declare @.timestampPre datetime
declare @.System201Pre int
declare @.System500Pre int
declare @.System345Pre int
set nocount on
select @.timestampPre=[timestamp],@.System201Pre=[System201],@.System500Pre=[System500],@.System345Pre=[System345] from Table1 t1
where t1.[timestamp]=(select min(t2.[timestamp]) from Table1 t2)
while 1=1 begin
select @.timestamp=[timestamp],@.System201=[System201],@.System500=[System500],@.System345=[System345] from Table1 t1
where t1.[timestamp]=(select min(t2.[timestamp]) from Table1 t2 where t2.[timestamp]>@.timestampPre)
if @.@.rowcount=0 break
set @.System201Pre=isnull(@.System201,@.System201Pre)
set @.System500Pre=isnull(@.System500,@.System500Pre)
set @.System345Pre=isnull(@.System345,@.System345Pre)
if @.System201 is null or @.System500 is null or @.System345 is null
update Table1 set
where [timestamp]=@.timestamp
set @.timestampPre=@.timestamp
set nocount off

select * from Table1
rollback tran|||Forgive me for being simple but there is a quick and dirty way to update previous record with data from next record.

Select *, identity(int ,1,1) as seq
into #temp
from "your table"
order by timestamp

update t1
set t1.System201 = t2.System201
from #temp t1 inner join #temp t2 on
t1.seq = t2.seq - 1|||Yes, I call that algorithm "ordered streams". But I was trying to solve
situation like this

1 1
1 1
2 1
3 1

by query without cursor.|||Why not use a subquery?

select t.fldnam
from tblnam t
where t.valfld is not null
and t.valfld < ( select t1.valfld
from tblnam t1
where t1.keyfld = t.keyfld )

I'm suppose it isn't the finnest but I'm shure it's cheaper than cursors, no?|||Cesar, I do not uderstand what you mean by your code.

It can be solved by single quary

select t.keyfld,t.valfld,t1.keyfld,t1.valfld
from tblnam t
join tblnam t1 on t1.keyfld=(select max(t2.keyfld) from tblnam t2 where t2.keyfld<=t.keyfld and t2.valfld is not null)

But this query is not scalable (N^3), cursor is better algorithm.|||I don't know exactly how to calculate the difference between subqueries and joins, focusing in througput, because I used to work only with lower than 100,000 records tables, so my point is I agree about cursor structures and algorithms in theoretical terms, but not in speed, at least in MSSQL7 implementation.
So I'm always preffer to complicate my scripts with more sophisticated selects/joins/temporary tables/indexes, etc...
The only drawback I've found is maintenance, because almost any VB programmer can deal with cursors but complex SQL statements.
So in my record's range its a question of maintenance/performance for me and I've choseen performance until now, against cursors.
What do you think?|||I already compared cursor and noncursor solutions at this forum.
Problem solvable without cursor can be faster without cursor always.

1. I just say, that single query solution of this problem is slower than simple cursor solution.
2. I do not understand your code

select t.fldnam
from tblnam t
where t.valfld is not null
and t.valfld < ( select t1.valfld
from tblnam t1
where t1.keyfld = t.keyfld
)|||Originally posted by ispaleny
1/1/03 1/2/02 1/3/03

Q1 What PK is on Table1?
Q2 How do you know the record is previous?

I just tried to insert a non-cursor sample about finding previous record.

replacing nulls

Using the DTS ive successfully transfered data from access to sql - however
i need to replace the <nulls>
with '' - is there an easy way to do this ?
UPDATE SomeTable
SET col1 = COALESCE(col1, ''),
col2 = COALESCE(col2, ''),
David Portas
SQL Server MVP
|||"David Portas" <> wrote in message
> UPDATE SomeTable
> SET col1 = COALESCE(col1, ''),
> col2 = COALESCE(col2, ''),
> ...
> OR col2 IS NULL
> ...
> --
> David Portas
> SQL Server MVP
> --
thanks for the help!

replacing nulls

I have a string like this
select @.feed5 =', '+@.work_name +', '+isnull( @.workedyearfrom,
'')+' '+ isnull(@.workedyearto, '')+', '+ isnull(@.height,
'')+'x'+isnull(@.width, '')+'x'+isnull(@.depth, '')+' '+ @.measuretype+'
'+'Editions: '+' ' +@.edition+.+
Here some of the values will be null. Say width is null so my result
would be 10 x x 12
or if edition is null i will get in the result Editions: .
if the @.workedyearto is null then i will get 1980, ,
how do i write a string to replace the , or x or editions: with '
'(space).Not sure how many height x width x depth combinations are possible or
acceptable, however one try may be:
select @.feed5 =', '+@.work_name +', '+isnull( @.workedyearfrom,
'')+' '+ isnull(@.workedyearto, '')+', '+
+' '+ @.measuretype+'
'+COALESCE('Editions: ' +@.edition, '') + ...
Or better yet, just return the data to the client/presentation tier and let
it handle NULLs and formatting.|||Not sure how many height x width x depth combinations are possible or
acceptable, however one try may be:
select @.feed5 =', '+@.work_name +', '+isnull( @.workedyearfrom,
'')+' '+ isnull(@.workedyearto, '')+', '+
+' '+ @.measuretype+'
'+COALESCE('Editions: ' +@.edition, '') + ...
Or better yet, just return the data to the client/presentation tier and let
it handle NULLs and formatting.|||thanks but with '+COALESCE('Editions: ' +@.edition, '') since
'Editions' is hard coded even if @.edition is null
i get the Editions in the output
how do i make that null if @.edition is null as well|||My guess is that @.edition is '' which is not the same as NULL.
"VJ" <> wrote in message
> thanks but with '+COALESCE('Editions: ' +@.edition, '') since
> 'Editions' is hard coded even if @.edition is null
> i get the Editions in the output
> how do i make that null if @.edition is null as well
>|||Actually no. A NULL value concatenated with any string will result in NULL.
So 'Editions: ' + NULL will yield NULL, instead of 'Editions: '.
The following example shows the result:
declare @.edition varchar(30)
set @.edition = null
select COALESCE('Editions: ' +@.edition, '') -- returns empty string ''
set @.edition = 'foo'
select COALESCE('Editions: ' +@.edition, '') -- returns "Editions: foo"
"VJ" wrote:

> thanks but with '+COALESCE('Editions: ' +@.edition, '') since
> 'Editions' is hard coded even if @.edition is null
> i get the Editions in the output
> how do i make that null if @.edition is null as well

Replacing Nulls

I have a query that has serveral Left Joins. Obviously when there are no
results in the right tables a value of NULL is returned. When creating an
MS Reporting Services report, the tables seem to ignore the NULL values
(because they aren't recognized as real values I assume). How do I alter my
query to replace a NULL value with an actually value, such as 999 so I can
count the "NULL" results?
I appreciate any help.
Thankstry ISNULL function
ISNULL(<fieldname>, 999) AS SomeThing
"Amon Borland" <>, haber iletisinde unlar
>I have a query that has serveral Left Joins. Obviously when there are no
>results in the right tables a value of NULL is returned. When creating an
>MS Reporting Services report, the tables seem to ignore the NULL values
>(because they aren't recognized as real values I assume). How do I alter
>my query to replace a NULL value with an actually value, such as 999 so I
>can count the "NULL" results?
> I appreciate any help.
> Thanks
>|||Thanks for the reply SharkSpeed. That makes sense, but where would I put
"SharkSpeed" <> wrote in message
> try ISNULL function
> ISNULL(<fieldname>, 999) AS SomeThing
> "Amon Borland" <>, haber iletisinde unlar
> yazd:OOLRV1e9FHA.1420@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
>|||Hi Amon
Have you tried the ISNULL([ColumnName], [NewValue]) function?
"Amon Borland" wrote:

> I have a query that has serveral Left Joins. Obviously when there are no
> results in the right tables a value of NULL is returned. When creating an
> MS Reporting Services report, the tables seem to ignore the NULL values
> (because they aren't recognized as real values I assume). How do I alter
> query to replace a NULL value with an actually value, such as 999 so I can
> count the "NULL" results?
> I appreciate any help.
> Thanks
>|||Lucas, where would I use this at. In the Select or after the table in the
"Lucas Kartawidjaja" <Lucas> wrote in
> Hi Amon
> Have you tried the ISNULL([ColumnName], [NewValue]) function?
> Lucas
> "Amon Borland" wrote:
>|||in the Select I assume..
SELECT a, b, n FROM table LEFT JOIN SELECT x, y, z FROM table2 ON ...
SELECT a, b, ISNULL(n, 999) AS n FROM table LEFT JOIN SELECT x, y, ISNULL(z,
999) FROM table2 ...
"Amon Borland" <> wrote in message
> Lucas, where would I use this at. In the Select or after the table in the
> join?
> Thanks
> "Lucas Kartawidjaja" <Lucas> wrote
> in message
>|||You can use it on the Select part of your SQL Statement. For example:
SELECT [ColumnName1], ISNULL([ColumnName2], [NewValue])
FROM [TableName]
"Amon Borland" wrote:

> Lucas, where would I use this at. In the Select or after the table in the
> join?
> Thanks
> "Lucas Kartawidjaja" <Lucas> wrote
> message

replacing nulls

I have a string like this
select @.feed5 =', '+@.work_name +', '+isnull( @.workedyearfrom,
'')+' '+ isnull(@.workedyearto, '')+', '+ isnull(@.height,
'')+'x'+isnull(@.width, '')+'x'+isnull(@.depth, '')+' '+ @.measuretype+'
'+'Editions: '+' ' +@.edition+.+
Here some of the values will be null. Say width is null so my result
would be 10 x x 12
or if edition is null i will get in the result Editions: .
if the @.workedyearto is null then i will get 1980, ,
how do i write a string to replace the , or x or editions: with '
'(space).Try this:
ISNULL( + ', ') + ISNULL(@.work_name + ', ') etc
"VJ" <> wrote in message
>I have a string like this
> select @.feed5 =', '+@.work_name +', '+isnull( @.workedyearfrom,
> '')+' '+ isnull(@.workedyearto, '')+', '+ isnull(@.height,
> '')+'x'+isnull(@.width, '')+'x'+isnull(@.depth, '')+' '+ @.measuretype+'
> '+'Editions: '+' ' +@.edition+.+
> Here some of the values will be null. Say width is null so my result
> would be 10 x x 12
> or if edition is null i will get in the result Editions: .
> if the @.workedyearto is null then i will get 1980, ,
> height.........
> how do i write a string to replace the , or x or editions: with '
> '(space).
>|||You can use CASE statements for something like that:
SELECT @.feed5 = CASE WHEN @.width IS NULL THEN ' ' ELSE 'x' + @.width + 'x'
CASE WHEN @.edition IS NULL THEN ' ' ELSE 'Edition: ' + @.edition + ',' END
Or you can use COALESCE:
SELECT @.feed5 = COALESCE('x' + @.width + 'x', ' ') +
COALESCE('Edition: ' + @.edition + ',', ' ')
COALESCE will work since NULL plus anything is NULL. So 'x' + @.width + 'x'
where @.width is NULL, returns NULL.
"VJ" wrote:

> I have a string like this
> select @.feed5 =', '+@.work_name +', '+isnull( @.workedyearfrom,
> '')+' '+ isnull(@.workedyearto, '')+', '+ isnull(@.height,
> '')+'x'+isnull(@.width, '')+'x'+isnull(@.depth, '')+' '+ @.measuretype+'
> '+'Editions: '+' ' +@.edition+.+
> Here some of the values will be null. Say width is null so my result
> would be 10 x x 12
> or if edition is null i will get in the result Editions: .
> if the @.workedyearto is null then i will get 1980, ,
> height.........
> how do i write a string to replace the , or x or editions: with '
> '(space).
>|||thanks michael but this does not works for COALESCE('Edition: ' +
@.edition + ',', ' ') is @.edition is null it still selects the Edition:
how do i get rid of the hardcoded 'Edition:'|||Apparently you do not have SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON, which is the
ANSI-defined behavior for NULL concatenation. So you can either SET
CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON or you can use the CASE statement provided in
addition to the COALESCE example. I would recommend turning the ANSI
Standard-defined behavior back ON, but it's your choice.
"VJ" <> wrote in message
> thanks michael but this does not works for COALESCE('Edition: ' +
> @.edition + ',', ' ') is @.edition is null it still selects the Edition:
> how do i get rid of the hardcoded 'Edition:'

replacing nulls

Using the DTS ive successfully transfered data from access to sql - however
i need to replace the <nulls>
with '' - is there an easy way to do this ?
markUPDATE SomeTable
SET col1 = COALESCE(col1, ''),
col2 = COALESCE(col2, ''),
David Portas
SQL Server MVP
--|||"David Portas" <> wrote in message
> UPDATE SomeTable
> SET col1 = COALESCE(col1, ''),
> col2 = COALESCE(col2, ''),
> ...
> OR col2 IS NULL
> ...
> --
> David Portas
> SQL Server MVP
> --
thanks for the help!

replacing nulls

Using the DTS ive successfully transfered data from access to sql - however
i need to replace the <nulls>
with '' - is there an easy way to do this ?
markUPDATE SomeTable
SET col1 = COALESCE(col1, ''),
col2 = COALESCE(col2, ''),
David Portas
SQL Server MVP
--|||"David Portas" <> wrote in message
> UPDATE SomeTable
> SET col1 = COALESCE(col1, ''),
> col2 = COALESCE(col2, ''),
> ...
> OR col2 IS NULL
> ...
> --
> David Portas
> SQL Server MVP
> --
thanks for the help!